Friday, February 25, 2011


Pacifiers: are they good for baby?

when zidan was born, i remember how i tried to keep in mind and always saying to my hubby for not giving a pacifier to zidan. I believe that a lot of moms will have the same problem is whether or not to use a paci to baby. but, as time went on, my hubby and i start to think if ok we use paci. at 3 month old,  now zidan started sucking his thumbs and fingers also have trouble sleeping. guess what? sometimes he only will fall asleep while bf-ing and trouble leaving the nipple. i read that moms should not use a paci until baby can latch onto your breast well or after 6weeks old (as this to avoid newborn gets confused between the nipple and pacifier) moms also have to consider offering a paci at naptime and bedtime because it will help protect babies from SIDS (i love this) it sound good. read more pros and cons about pacifiers here.

but, the problem i heard that some child will attached to a paci until they reach 3years above (wah dah kenapa). betul ke susah baby nak take off once dah jadi paci baby? So when is the right time to take paci away? i concern jugak if paci baby will gets some effects to teeth (in case of penyebab jonggang ke). kesian lah pulak. thee!


Psyche said...

watever ur decision for your child,it's the right one,provided that you have weighed the good and bad. if you choose to give paci, maybe boleh minimize kan the usage utk bed and naptime. i've had friends who have paci babies and having speech delay-sbb baby da best ada paci dlm mulut all the time and malas cakap. weaning off paci can be challenging,too.tapi,babies are all unique beings.who knows,zidan might not have the trouble pun!

myRRa Rekacinta said...

tried bagi paci tapi zidan tak nak. pump susu bagi dgn btl pon zidan refuse jugak. hehe... pandai memilih betul...

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