Thursday, April 21, 2011

Amalan Membaca


another book for mama. thanks Ayahanda! my hubby bought this book few months ago. but almost a month jugak la baru i khatam buku ni. seriously tak sempat membaca if tak pandai curi masa. I LOVE THIS SUPERBABY BOOK! it give you and ur child a head start in the first 3yrs with so much tips, tools and techniques for encouraging child's development. sangat sesuai dijadikan reference.

still remember my last post how TV risks for children?

attention deficit disorder - every hour of TV watched per day at age 1 to 3 for almost 10percent chance of developing attention problems that could be diagnosed as attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHN) by age 7. exposing a baby to the quick changing images of modern TV also may overstimulate developing brain, causing permanent changes in the developing neutral pathways.

wah, TV jugak penyebab Asthma and High blood pressure!

TV lead to poor quality sleep and poor eyesight problem. this one memang betul. my nephew baru 3yrs dah rabun mencecah 500 both side! tebal ok i tengok eyeglasses dia. aiyooo. pity him.

TV commercials may influence child's thinking :-| 

TV can drop ur child creativity - this one memang tak best!

oh my... tele-chubbies! how TV is making kids fat? watch a lot of TV are more likely to rate unhealthy foods. the more children watch TV commercials the more likely they are to eat sugar cereal. the more TV kids view, the less likely it is that they will consume for fruits and vegi.



Yada Yada Yada! my baby got book. Amalam suka membaca harus dipupuk dari seawal usia. my hubby dah start belikan zidan buku since 3mths. selain diperdengarkan bacaan surah al-Quran setiap kali selepas subuh. i akan bacakan zidan buku cerita. selalunya bila dibacakan buku mesti mereka akan tertidur tapi, Alhamdulillah, zidan very enjoying the story and books so far. mudahan ianya berkekalan lah. 

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