Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday Present

I've been living without a techie phone for more than a year i guess (clumsy misplaced my phone a month before wedding day) and oh my... it's very hard ok (i sungguh besabar tau). i should admit,  im not a very techie. you can call me stingy or whatever... because i'd rather spend my 3k for facial set or bag than to a phone. and i don't really bother not having the latest cool gadget like everyone else. techie stuff i own are the essentials one, it was my lappy and DSLR (hantaran from my hubby).

guessed it right. It's a phone!

my hubby got me this as my birthday present at Samsung, The Gardens. my hubby so insist to buy me this instead of iphone4 bcoz of few reason.

Thank you sayang!


Psyche said...

Galaxy! Definitely better than iphone! hahaha. Go Samsung!

myRRa Rekacinta said...

yeah, go Samsung!kt umah ni memang byk samsung. ahaha...

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