Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You've been Tagged!

When I finally responded to the tag, I had long since left my day job and desk, plus that I hv no internet connection since last week n still waiting for my celcom broadband activation.. heE!

I've been tagged by Zaza da pretty gurl!

Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.

I am
I really want to go to

My favourite place

My favourite thing is


My favourite drink is

My favourite food is


My favourite colour is definitely


I live in

I was born in

I attended


My favourite story is

This is my hobby


And I definitely wish for

Im tagging...
1. Kak Arfah
2. Dyana
3. anyone yg x buat tag nih ;)

*_* * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ *

I was tagged by Aida chan on last week!

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 to 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. at the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. don’t forget to leave them a comment (”you’re it”) and to read your blog. you can’t tag the person who tagged you. since you can’t tag me, let me know when you’ve posted your blog, so i can see your weirdness.
but then i would only listing 11 random things about me..
1. Im a die-hard fan of the Science-Fiction n fantasies movies [Fact]
2. Im an addicted to the korean series especially Full House and much watched for more then 5 times, which I still regard as the best pieces of television series ever. [Fact]
3. Im a shopaholics. Huhuhuuu! I waste money with too much expenses.. [Habit]
4. berSYUKUR with what I had now but still not satisfied with my achievement so far![Fact]
5. Im alwiz only can remember ppl face instead of their name :p[Fact]
6. I was dream to travel around da world and especially to the european countries..[Goal]
7. My biggest disappointment is when I cant further my degree in architecture since no fizik backgrd[Fact]
8. My very bad habit is too much sleep..[Habit]
9. To hv my own business empayarr before I’m 30.[Goal]
10. I dont eat Nasi Goreng and I dont like Taugeh, so pls do not buy or cook this food for me ok![Fact]
11. This is my favourite number.[Fact]

Im tagged YOU guys!-Anyone didnt get this tag b4 ;;)


Hasniza Aarif - zaza said...

famous kak myrra, asyik kene tagged je.
kak myrra, saya suke awaklah!
Awak sangatlah baik.
keep in touch k hehe..take care!

myRRa Rekacinta said...

aich manede famous.. u too girl keep in touch ok! tag zaza tu penin gak nk buat tp hv fun!

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